News of the group

Together with the Hilbert lab we became a part of the new Priority Programme funded by DFG: SPP 2191 "Molecular Mechanisms of Functional Phase Separation". In our project, we will investigate how the model of active microemulsion can be used to understand the role of chromatin organisation in cell-f...

Category: News of the group

Shape of my heart ..., oh no, shape of polymer loops was the topic of our recent paper, "The shape of pinned forced polymer loops" , which was just published in Soft Matter. We are looking forward for a possible experimental counterpart of the theory. Stay tuned!

Category: News of the group, Publications

How a bunch of identical bacterial cells manage to self-aggregate into a colony and furthermore make it to exhibit some heterogeneous behavior? Is it a beginning of a multi-cellular development? See our latest work on N.gonorrhoeae bacteria: "Pili mediated intercellular forces shape heterogeneous ba...

Category: News of the group, Publications

Our recent paper "Intracellular Mass Density Increase Is Accompanying but Not Sufficient for Stiffening and Growth Arrest of Yeast Cells" in collaboration with Guck and Alberti labs was recently published in Frontiers in Physics!

Category: News of the group